Monitor your workout in Grafana

Sarun Nuntaviriyakul
3 min readSep 11, 2023

Apart from your infrastructure and application, you can also monitor your workouts in Grafana, a popular open-source tool for monitoring and visualizing data.

My setup is tracking workouts on an Apple watch and syncing to Strava, then using Strava data sources in Grafana to query/ create dashboards.

Strava API Setup

  • Create an Application at
  • Fill out the Application details
  • For Authorization Callback Domain: Set it to your Grafana domain ( We will be using it to authenticate to Strava later )
  • Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret

Grafana Setup

In Grafana search for Strava data sources

  1. Click Create a Strava data sources
  2. Put in your Client ID , Client Secret, and Click save & test

3. Click Connect with Strava and Authorize Grafana with your Application

If you get an invalid redirect_uri after clicking Connect with Strava, Check your Authorization Callback Domain to be the same domain you use to open Grafana.

4. Then Click Save & Test


Preconfigured dashboards are available to import from the Datasources

If you cannot see the preconfigured dashboards, simply set enable_alpha = true in the grafana.ini file.

enable_alpha = true

Your workout data should already be available on the preconfigured dashboard.

By monitoring your workout data, you can stay on track of your fitness goals and make sure that you are getting the most out of your workouts.

It is possible to create your own custom dashboard using a variety of metrics from the data source, including heart rate, pace, speed, altitude, and others.

